Hi, everyone, I’ve run into some problems and would be grateful for any help.
My questions are as follows:
When some cells of my model overlap, no error will be reported when running fixed source simulation. I’m confused about this, I want to know how openmc handles it?
Is there any way to automatically detect whether cells overlap? Instead of using openmc -g or observing the image through plot.show_overlaps, it directly indicates which cells overlap?
Hi Cro, welcome back to the community.
From what I remember, the geometry debug feature of openmc also reports the overlapping cells in your geometry even if you are doing fixed source mode. So it is not only works in the eigenvalues mode, and the reports is also quite good at showing which cells that overlap, i.e. ERROR: Overlapping cells detected: M, N on Universe X or something.
Also, if you don’t really into openmc -g from your terminal, you can also use the openmc.run(geometry_debug=True) from your python script, that will also do the geometry debug.
Sorry if that didn’t answer your question
Hi, wahidluthfi,
Thank you very much for your reply, but what I am wondering is, does OpenMC have a way to automatically identify whether there is cell overlap before running? Instead of turning on geometry_debug during operation.
Hi Cro,
I think I haven’t seen the openmc features that could detect cell overlaps before running. I hope other members that knows some info could gives their comments here.
I only use the geometry debug feature during all this time with openmc, so sorry Cro.