Hello everyone,
I am currently conducting a calculation of the depth distribution of fuel consumption in the core. Previously, I used ‘diff’burnable=True’ to calculate it. Then I found that its calculations were too detailed. I only needed to calculate the depth distribution of fuel consumption for different assembly , rather than calculating the depth distribution of fuel consumption for each material. Then I tried using the ‘model. differentiate_depletable_mats (diff_volume_method=’ divide equally ‘)’ method, but I don’t know how to set it to calculate the depth distribution of fuel consumption for different assembly , rather than setting the volume of each cell. Do you know how to complete this calculation? Looking forward to your answer.
If you create a different fuel material for each assembly and then don’t use differentiate_depletable_mats you should get what you want. I don’t think there is a way to specify not to differentiate specific clusters of fuel cells.
Sorry, I didn’t understand what you meant. Do you mean that I need to create different fuels for each fuel component? Can I use the same material and give them different names? How do I get the distribution of fuel consumption depth afterwards? Is it using diff’burnable_mats? Can you give me an example or command line? Thank you very much!
Same material, different names. Cut element axially for depth.
Use tallies to obtain depletion of each.
Refer to Users Guide for a better understanding of how materials work.