H5m xmdf med workflows


My apologies if this is reproduced somewhere else but I couldn’t find it. Is there a reason why med or xmdf cant be used for dagmc and openmc when they also seem to be hdf5 based mesh transport formats? Would it be fairly simple to add these capabilities? This would allow the use of tools already developed for fea workflows it seems to me.

Many thanks

The structure of the file internals and the contents can be different even though the file format is the same. Hdf5 can contain different structures so there is a bit more to consider than the file format.

Exodus format is supported for unstructured meshes in openmc if that helps. Support for exodus requires openmc to be compiled with libmesh

Hi Jonathan,

Thanks for taking the time to answer.

Is this structure something that may be trivially adjusted in an input field line that redefines what array elements mean?

Unfortunately I had some problems with libmesh and it won’t compile on my system. Though I will try again.

Ultimately however the purpose of my question is to see if one can use FreeCAD or SALOME, or GMSH to export a mesh for use with DAGMC. Many mesh formats are supported by default. It seems from a naive point of view that adjusting the openmc code to read mesh coordinates from xdmf and the associated material properties might be easier than other solutions though I appreciate your work such as cad-to-h5m.

This code converts a gmesh tet mesh into a dagmc unstructured mesh file. Might be handy if you have a tet mesh nodes, vertices and connectivity then yes you can go from one of these other mesh formats to dagmc unstructured mesh. The dagmc surface mesh is a bit harder, but also possible

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Hi, I am using this example here. How does one either give the same material properties to all volumes within a msh file or assign material properties individually to them. Is there a way to print out the names of the subvolumes and assign material properties to them individually?
Many Thanks

I wrote dagmc_h5m_file_inspector for getting material names a while back but i think it has rusted and perhaps pydagmc is the way to go these days

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Managed to build with libmesh by compiling it with the same metis parmetis libs and same dof size.