Hallo everyone…
I tried running the gfr reactor program to find the effective multiplication factor with 1000 particles but there was an error during the parsing process.
Please help me🙏
Hi @Rahma ,
I think that is caused by an issue in the geometry/cells section, and more likely about the boundary type where code needs to follow the particle and it could not because there is no material/vacuum in the crossed cell or the interface is not proprely defind … could you post the geometry/cell section of your model?
@Rahma Please see the advice here regarding lost particles:
Thanks for the answer sir. i will study it more.
Thanks for the answer Sir. This is my geometry and material for GFR CANDLE. Please give me solution Sir🙏
materials.xml (134.4 KB)
geometry.xml (109 Bytes)
I checked your giles, and it seems to me that your geometry is not taken into account, since the xml file is almost empty and the most likely you did not fill your cells and universes correctly.
Can you share a screenshot of the geometry and cells definition of your model?
Best regards
Okee Sir, I want to try send my program for design GFR CANDLE. Please check this program Sir and thank you very much
GFR CANDLE.py (79.7 KB)
Sorry for the late answer! I just was a little busy these few days.
Here from where came the problem:
at this level, when you define your outer surfaces of the reactor core, there are two cylindrical surfaces with different names, and different boundary type, but with same radius, so I guess that OpenMC will be little be confuse to track a particle through transmissive (then vacuum one).
That why I suggest to add #1cm to your outer cylinder (which is already filled by coolant) and this will solve the problem.
============================> RESULTS <============================ k-effective (Collision) = 1.12135 +/- 0.00072 k-effective (Track-length) = 1.12110 +/- 0.00076 k-effective (Absorption) = 1.12251 +/- 0.00063 Combined k-effective = 1.12196 +/- 0.00050 Leakage Fraction = 0.00236 +/- 0.00003
GFR_CANDLE_fixed.py (79.7 KB)
Sorry, I just forget to add the related script lines:
up2=openmc.ZPlane(z0=240, boundary_type=‘vacuum’)
low2=openmc.ZPlane(z0=-240, boundary_type=‘vacuum’)
outer=openmc.ZCylinder(r=201, boundary_type=‘vacuum’) # <<<<<<< here (use 201 instead of 200cm)
Thank you very much Sir @bentridisalah for your answer. I can already run the particles.
your answer really helped me
#Rahma & Hida
Excuse me Sir,
I’m sorry, I can already run this program. But result burn up just one. How to make burn up 60 years or looping?
@Rahmaw Hello;
First, you can call Salah, no need to use “Sir” with me . I’m a just begginer in OpenMC, like you and your scripts are more sophisticated than mine
but I found that learning by fixing some usual issues posted in the forum, is one of the fastest way to be more familiar with OpenMC.
Secondly, I suggest you that you try few step_times with classical way:
step_times = [246060*365]*6 instead of the array you defined already in your script file. Probably , it will be usefull for something else you intend to do, but you need to fix first the depletion calculation in the simplest way before going to more sophisticated simulations
Also, try to define all the instantiations (power, step_times, depletion operator…) in the same code cell, and then in the next one you initiate the integrator operator calculation. I saw that you called opnemc.deplete at different levels in your notebook, so try to use another notebook for depletion calculation by saving a new release of your modeling notebook … Probably, it is not an issure, but it will do it proprely, and will be able to fix errors faster
You probably, need also to avoid using tallies at this first level of fixing depletion calculations, since it will take much more time machine