Getting MT301 into the h5 file

Hi all,

Has anyone had any luck with the heatr=True argument on the from_njoy() or make_ace() functions.

I have been trying to include MT 301 (total neutron heating) into the h5 files from an endf file and I just can’t get it to work.

I attach a minimalist script to demonstrate what I have been doing

I can see that the heatr card is going into njoy and I have been look at the tape files (tape20,tape22,tape23,tape24) produced along the way.

I can see that tape24 appears to contain the MT301 number (before the /tmp folder gets deleted) but the resulting ace file does not appear to contain the MT 301 reaction

Any suggestions are most welcome

All the best



download endf file from website

import openmc

endf_filename = ‘n_0325_3-Li-6.txt’
ace_filename = ‘Li006.ace’
h5_filename = ‘Li006.h5’, ace=ace_filename, heatr=True) #heatr is True by default but just to be sure

data_from_ace =

data_from_ace.export_to_hdf5(h5_filename, ‘w’)

data_from_h5 =

print(data_from_ace.reactions) #there is no 301 in this list
print(data_from_h5.reactions) #there is no 301 in this list

data_from_njoy =, heatr=True)

print(data_from_njoy.reactions) #there is no 301 in this list


Hi Jon – I’ll look into getting the heating data into our HDF5 files. Right now from_ace definitely skips over heating data. Our NJOY pipeline might need some changes too. I’ll let you know when I have more to report.


Just an update for anyone interested in this – I put in a pull request to add this data back into the file.