Failure to set depletable material volume


I trying to get a depletion run working on a HTGR compact with TRISO fuel. The input file has been modified from the Cardinal multi-physics input from here. I am able to run a normal k-eigenvalue calculation, however, I am getting various errors when trying to run depletion.

An initial attempt simply changed the k-eigenvalue run to a depletion run, however a runtime error occurred:

RuntimeError: Volume not specified for depletable material with ID=8.

I set the fuel material volume using:

m_fuel = openmc.Material(name='fuel')
mass_234 ='U234')
mass_235 ='U235')
mass_238 ='U238')

n_234 = enrichment_234 / mass_234
n_235 = enrichment / mass_235
n_238 = (1.0 - enrichment - enrichment_234) / mass_238
total_n = n_234 + n_235 + n_238

m_fuel.add_nuclide('U234', n_234 / total_n)
m_fuel.add_nuclide('U235', n_235 / total_n)
m_fuel.add_nuclide('U238', n_238 / total_n)
m_fuel.add_element('C'   , 1.50)
m_fuel.add_element('O'   , 0.50)
m_fuel.set_density('kg/m3', kernel_density)
m_fuel.depletable = True
m_fuel.volume = 4 / 3 * math.pow(kernel_radius*m,3) * math.pi

However, when I look at the materials.xml file the volume is not in the file. My next step was to create a materials list using something like:

materials_list = openmc.Materials([m_fuel, m_coolant, m_graphite_reflector, m_graphite_matrix, m_sic, m_graphite_pyc, m_graphite_c_buffer])
model.materials = materials_list

However, there are other materials that are being created and when I perform this, and I am not sure how to access them and include them in the materials list. This approach resulted in missing materials.

Do I need to find the other materials some how and include them in my materials list, or is there a better way to go about this? I am more than happy to send an input file, it just won’t let me upload one at the moment.

Thank you in advanced.


I have posted the entire input file here for reference if this make debugging a bit easier.

import openmc

jeff33  = "/projects/openmc/data/jeff33_hdf5/cross_sections.xml"
endfb71 = "/projects/openmc/data/endfb71_hdf5/cross_sections.xml"
endfb80 = "/projects/openmc/data/endfb80_hdf5/cross_sections.xml"
xs = endfb80  # ENDF/B-VIII.0 is a good one.
openmc.Materials.cross_sections = xs
# This file defines the materials used in the various Radiant OpenMC models
# to ensure consistency. A number of specifications that are only used to set up
# these materials (and are not used in any other files) are defined here.

enrichment = 0.155        # U-235 enrichment (weight percent)
enrichment_234 = 2e-3     # U-234 enrichment (weight percent)
kernel_density = 10820    # fissile kernel density (kg/m3)
buffer_density = 1050     # buffer density (kg/m3)
PyC_density = 1900        # PyC density (kg/m3)
SiC_density = 3203        # SiC density (kg/m3)
matrix_density = 1700     # graphite matrix density (kg/m3)

# ----- uranium oxycarbide fuel ----- #
m_fuel = openmc.Material(name='fuel')
mass_234 ='U234')
mass_235 ='U235')
mass_238 ='U238')

n_234 = enrichment_234 / mass_234
n_235 = enrichment / mass_235
n_238 = (1.0 - enrichment - enrichment_234) / mass_238
total_n = n_234 + n_235 + n_238

m_fuel.add_nuclide('U234', n_234 / total_n)
m_fuel.add_nuclide('U235', n_235 / total_n)
m_fuel.add_nuclide('U238', n_238 / total_n)
m_fuel.add_element('C'   , 1.50)
m_fuel.add_element('O'   , 0.50)
m_fuel.set_density('kg/m3', kernel_density)
m_fuel.depletable = True

# ----- graphite buffer ----- #
m_graphite_c_buffer = openmc.Material(name='buffer')
m_graphite_c_buffer.add_element('C', 1.0)
m_graphite_c_buffer.set_density('kg/m3', buffer_density)

# ----- pyrolitic carbon ----- #
m_graphite_pyc = openmc.Material(name='pyc')
m_graphite_pyc.add_element('C', 1.0)
m_graphite_pyc.set_density('kg/m3', PyC_density)

# ----- silicon carbide ----- #
m_sic = openmc.Material(name='sic')
m_sic.add_element('C' , 1.0)
m_sic.add_element('Si', 1.0)
m_sic.set_density('kg/m3', SiC_density)

# ----- matrix graphite ----- #
m_graphite_matrix = openmc.Material(name='graphite moderator')
m_graphite_matrix.add_element('C', 1.0)
m_graphite_matrix.set_density('kg/m3', matrix_density)

# ----- reflector graphite ----- #
m_graphite_reflector = openmc.Material(name='graphite reflector')
m_graphite_reflector.add_element('C', 1.0)
m_graphite_reflector.set_density('kg/m3', matrix_density)

# ----- helium coolant ----- #
m_coolant = openmc.Material(name='Helium coolant')
m_coolant.add_element('He', 1.0, 'ao')

# we don't set density here because we'll set it as a function of temperature

from argparse import ArgumentParser
import math
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

import openmc
import sys
import os

# Get common input parameters shared by other physics
#script_dir = os.path.dirname(__file__)
#import common_input as specs
import materials as mats

def coolant_temp(t_in, t_out, l, z):
    Computes the coolant temperature based on an expected cosine power distribution
    for a specified temperature rise. The total core temperature rise is governed
    by energy conservation as dT = Q / m / Cp, where dT is the total core temperature
    rise, Q is the total core power, m is the mass flowrate, and Cp is the fluid
    isobaric specific heat. If you neglect axial heat conduction and assume steady
    state, then the temperature rise in a layer of fluid i can be related to the
    ratio of the power in that layer to the total power,
    dT_i / dT = Q_i / Q. We assume here a sinusoidal power distribution to get
    a reasonable estimate of an initial coolant temperature distribution.


    t_in : float
        Inlet temperature of the channel
    t_out : float
        Outlet temperature of the channel
    l : float
        Length of the channel
    z : float or 1-D numpy.array
        Axial position where the temperature will be computed

        float or 1-D numpy array of float depending on z
    dT = t_out - t_in
    Q = 2 * l / math.pi
    distance_from_inlet =  unit_cell_height - z
    Qi = (l - l * np.cos(math.pi * distance_from_inlet / l)) / math.pi

    t = t_in + Qi / Q * dT

    return t

def coolant_density(t):
  Computes the helium density from temperature assuming a fixed operating pressure.


  t : float
    Fluid temperature

    float or 1-D numpy array of float depending on t

  p_in_bar =  outlet_P * 1.0e-5;
  return 48.14 * p_in_bar / (t + 0.4446 * p_in_bar / math.pow(t, 0.2));

  # geometric parameters

channel_diameter = 0.016                 # diameter of the coolant channels (m)
compact_diameter = 0.0127                # diameter of fuel compacts (m)
fuel_to_coolant_distance = 0.0188        # distance between center of fuel compact and coolant channel (m)
bundle_flat_to_flat = 0.35996            # bundle flat-to-flat distance (m)
bundle_gap_width = 4e-3                  # gap width between bundles (m)
height = 6.343                           # height of the full core (m)
vessel_inner_diameter = 3.3              # inner diameter of reactor vessel (m)
vessel_thickness = 0.05                  # vessel thickness (m) - no value provided in [1], this is selected arbitrarily
top_reflector_thickness = 1.585          # top graphite reflector thickness (m)
bottom_reflector_thickness = 1.585       # bottom graphite reflector thickness (m)
triso_pf = 0.15                          # TRISO packing fraction (%)
kernel_radius = 214.85e-6                # fissile kernel outer radius (m)
buffer_radius = 314.85e-6                # buffer outer radius (m)
iPyC_radius = 354.85e-6                  # inner PyC outer radius (m)
SiC_radius = 389.85e-6                   # SiC outer radius (m)
oPyC_radius = 429.85e-6                  # outer PyC outer radius (m)

# material parameters

B4C_density = 2380                       # B4C density (kg/m3)
fluid_density = 5.5508                   # fluid density (kg/m3)
fluid_viscosity = 3.22639e-5             # fluid dynamic viscosity (Pa-s)
fluid_Cp = 5189.0                        # fluid isobaric specific heat (J/kg/K)
fluid_k = 0.2556                         # fluid conductivity (W/m/K)
B10_enrichment = 0.30                    # B-10 enrichment in boron in the poison (weight percent)
total_B10_wt_percent = 0.001             # total weight percent of B-10 in the poison material (B_nC)
buffer_k = 0.5                           # buffer thermal conductivity (W/m/K)
PyC_k = 4.0                              # PyC thermal conductivity (W/m/K)
SiC_k = 13.9                             # SiC thermal conductivity (W/m/K)
kernel_k = 3.5                           # fissil kernel thermal conductivity (W/m/K)
matrix_k = 15.0                          # graphite matrix thermal conductivity (W/m/K)

# operating conditions for the full core

inlet_T = 598.0                          # inlet fluid temperature (K)
power = 200e6                            # full core power (W)
mdot = 117.3                             # fluid mass flowrate (kg/s)
outlet_P = 7.1e6                         # fluid outlet pressure (Pa)

# other full core specifications used to construct the unit cell model

n_bundles = 12                           # number of bundles in the full core
n_coolant_channels_per_block = 108       # number of coolant channels per assembly
n_fuel_compacts_per_block = 210          # number of fuel compacts per assembly
unit_cell_height = 1.6                   # unit cell height - arbitrarily selected

# other settings for generating plots

num_layers_for_plots = 50                # number of layers to average fields over for plotting

# -------------- Unit Conversions: OpenMC requires cm -----------
m = 100.0
# -------------------------------------------

m_fuel.volume = 4 / 3 * math.pow(kernel_radius*m,3) * math.pi
#materials_list = openmc.Materials([m_fuel, m_coolant, m_graphite_reflector, m_graphite_matrix, m_sic, m_graphite_pyc, m_graphite_c_buffer])


unit_cell_mdot =  mdot / ( n_bundles *  n_coolant_channels_per_block)
unit_cell_power =  power / ( n_bundles *  n_coolant_channels_per_block) * ( unit_cell_height /  height)

# estimate the outlet temperature using bulk energy conservation for steady state
coolant_outlet_temp = unit_cell_power / unit_cell_mdot /  fluid_Cp +  inlet_T

# geometry
coolant_channel_diam =  channel_diameter * m
reactor_bottom = 0.0
reactor_height =  unit_cell_height * m
reactor_top = reactor_bottom + reactor_height


cell_pitch =  fuel_to_coolant_distance * m
fuel_channel_diam =  compact_diameter * m

hex_orientation = 'x'

def unit_cell(n_ax_zones, n_inactive, n_active, face_centered=False, add_entropy_mesh=False):
    axial_section_height = reactor_height / n_ax_zones

    # superimposed search lattice
    triso_lattice_shape = (4, 4, int(axial_section_height))

    if face_centered:
        lattice_orientation = 'y'
        cell_edge_length = 2.0 * cell_pitch * math.tan(math.pi / 6)
        lattice_orientation = 'x'
        cell_edge_length = cell_pitch

    model = openmc.model.Model()

    ### Geometry ###

    # TRISO particle
    radius_pyc_outer       =  oPyC_radius * m

    s_fuel             = openmc.Sphere(r= kernel_radius*m)
    s_c_buffer         = openmc.Sphere(r= buffer_radius*m)
    s_pyc_inner        = openmc.Sphere(r= iPyC_radius*m)
    s_sic              = openmc.Sphere(r= SiC_radius*m)
    s_pyc_outer        = openmc.Sphere(r=radius_pyc_outer)
    c_triso_fuel       = openmc.Cell(name='c_triso_fuel'     , fill=mats.m_fuel,              region=-s_fuel)
    c_triso_c_buffer   = openmc.Cell(name='c_triso_c_buffer' , fill=mats.m_graphite_c_buffer, region=+s_fuel      & -s_c_buffer)
    c_triso_pyc_inner  = openmc.Cell(name='c_triso_pyc_inner', fill=mats.m_graphite_pyc,      region=+s_c_buffer  & -s_pyc_inner)
    c_triso_sic        = openmc.Cell(name='c_triso_sic'      , fill=mats.m_sic,               region=+s_pyc_inner & -s_sic)
    c_triso_pyc_outer  = openmc.Cell(name='c_triso_pyc_outer', fill=mats.m_graphite_pyc,      region=+s_sic       & -s_pyc_outer)
    c_triso_matrix     = openmc.Cell(name='c_triso_matrix'   , fill=mats.m_graphite_matrix,   region=+s_pyc_outer)
    u_triso            = openmc.Universe(cells=[c_triso_fuel, c_triso_c_buffer, c_triso_pyc_inner, c_triso_sic, c_triso_pyc_outer, c_triso_matrix])

    # Channel surfaces
    fuel_cyl = openmc.ZCylinder(r=0.5 * fuel_channel_diam)
    coolant_cyl = openmc.ZCylinder(r=0.5 * coolant_channel_diam)

    # create a TRISO lattice for one axial section (to be used in the rest of the axial zones)
    # center the TRISO region on the origin so it fills lattice cells appropriately
    min_z = openmc.ZPlane(z0=-0.5 * axial_section_height)
    max_z = openmc.ZPlane(z0=0.5 * axial_section_height)

    # region in which TRISOs are generated
    r_triso = -fuel_cyl & +min_z & -max_z

    rand_spheres = openmc.model.pack_spheres(radius=radius_pyc_outer, region=r_triso, pf=triso_pf)
    random_trisos = [openmc.model.TRISO(radius_pyc_outer, u_triso, i) for i in rand_spheres]

    llc, urc = r_triso.bounding_box
    pitch = (urc - llc) / triso_lattice_shape
    # insert TRISOs into a lattice to accelerate point location queries
    triso_lattice = openmc.model.create_triso_lattice(random_trisos, llc, pitch, triso_lattice_shape, mats.m_graphite_matrix)

    # create a hexagonal lattice for the coolant and fuel channels
    fuel_univ = openmc.Universe(cells=[openmc.Cell(region=-fuel_cyl, fill=triso_lattice),
                                    openmc.Cell(region=+fuel_cyl, fill=mats.m_graphite_matrix)])

    # extract the coolant cell and set temperatures based on the axial profile
    coolant_cell = openmc.Cell(region=-coolant_cyl, fill=mats.m_coolant)
    # set the coolant temperature on the cell to approximately match the expected
    # temperature profile
    axial_coords = np.linspace(reactor_bottom, reactor_top, n_ax_zones + 1)
    lattice_univs = []

    fuel_ch_cells = []

    i = 0
    for z_min, z_max in zip(axial_coords[0:-1], axial_coords[1:]):
        # create a new coolant universe for each axial zone in the coolant channel;
        # this generates a new material as well (we only need to do this for all
        # cells except the first cell)
        if (i == 0):
          c_cell = coolant_cell
          c_cell = coolant_cell.clone()

        i += 1

        # use the middle of the axial section to compute the temperature and density
        ax_pos = 0.5 * (z_min + z_max)
        t = coolant_temp(inlet_T, coolant_outlet_temp, reactor_height, ax_pos)

        c_cell.temperature = t
        c_cell.fill.set_density('kg/m3', coolant_density(t))

        # set the solid cells and their temperatures
        graphite_cell = openmc.Cell(region=+coolant_cyl, fill=mats.m_graphite_matrix)
        fuel_ch_cell = openmc.Cell(region=-fuel_cyl, fill=triso_lattice)
        fuel_ch_matrix_cell = openmc.Cell(region=+fuel_cyl, fill=mats.m_graphite_matrix)

        graphite_cell.temperature = t
        fuel_ch_cell.temperature = t
        fuel_ch_matrix_cell.temperature = t

        fuel_u = openmc.Universe(cells=[fuel_ch_cell, fuel_ch_matrix_cell])
        coolant_u = openmc.Universe(cells=[c_cell, graphite_cell])
        lattice_univs.append([[fuel_u] * 6, [coolant_u]])
    # create a hexagonal lattice used in each axial zone to represent the cell
    hex_lattice = openmc.HexLattice(name="Unit cell lattice")
    hex_lattice.orientation = lattice_orientation = (0.0, 0.0, 0.5 * (reactor_bottom + reactor_top))
    hex_lattice.pitch = (cell_pitch, axial_section_height)
    hex_lattice.universes = lattice_univs

    graphite_outer_cell = openmc.Cell(fill=mats.m_graphite_matrix)
    graphite_outer_cell.temperature = t
    inf_graphite_univ = openmc.Universe(cells=[graphite_outer_cell])
    hex_lattice.outer = inf_graphite_univ

    # hexagonal bounding cell
    hex = openmc.hexagonal_prism(cell_edge_length, hex_orientation, boundary_type='periodic')

    hex_cell_vol = 6.0 * (math.sqrt(3) / 4.0) * cell_edge_length**2 * reactor_height

    # create additional axial regions
    axial_planes = [openmc.ZPlane(z0=coord) for coord in axial_coords]
    # axial planes
    min_z = axial_planes[0]
    min_z.boundary_type = 'vacuum'
    max_z = axial_planes[-1]
    max_z.boundary_type = 'vacuum'

    # fill the unit cell with the hex lattice
    hex_cell = openmc.Cell(region=hex & +min_z & -max_z, fill=hex_lattice)

    model.geometry = openmc.Geometry([hex_cell])
#    model.materials = materials_list

    ### Settings ###
    settings = openmc.Settings()
    settings.particles = 10000
    settings.inactive =  n_inactive
    settings.batches = settings.inactive + n_active
    settings.temperature['method'] = 'interpolation'
    settings.temperature['range'] = (294.0, 1500.0)
    hexagon_half_flat = math.sqrt(3.0) / 2.0 * cell_edge_length
    lower_left = (-cell_edge_length, -hexagon_half_flat, reactor_bottom)
    upper_right = (cell_edge_length, hexagon_half_flat, reactor_top)
    source_dist = openmc.stats.Box(lower_left, upper_right, only_fissionable=True)
    source = openmc.Source(space=source_dist)
    settings.source = source
    if (add_entropy_mesh):
        entropy_mesh = openmc.RegularMesh()
        entropy_mesh.lower_left = lower_left
        entropy_mesh.upper_right = upper_right
        entropy_mesh.dimension = (5, 5, 20)
        settings.entropy_mesh = entropy_mesh
    vol_calc = openmc.VolumeCalculation([hex_cell] + fuel_ch_cells,
                                        (-cell_edge_length, -cell_edge_length, reactor_bottom),
                                        (cell_edge_length, cell_edge_length, reactor_top))
    settings.volume_calculations = [vol_calc]
    model.settings = settings
    m_colors = {}
    m_colors[mats.m_coolant] = 'royalblue'
    m_colors[mats.m_fuel] = 'red'
    m_colors[mats.m_graphite_c_buffer] = 'black'
    m_colors[mats.m_graphite_pyc] = 'orange'
    m_colors[mats.m_sic] = 'yellow'
    m_colors[mats.m_graphite_matrix] = 'silver'
    plot1          = openmc.Plot()
    plot1.filename = 'plot1'
    plot1.width    = (2 * cell_pitch, 4 * axial_section_height)
    plot1.basis    = 'xz'
    plot1.origin   = (0.0, 0.0, reactor_height/2.0)
    plot1.pixels   = (int(800 * 2 * cell_pitch), int(800 * 4 * axial_section_height))
    plot1.color_by = 'cell'
    plot2          = openmc.Plot()
    plot2.filename = 'plot2'
    plot2.width    = (3 * cell_pitch, 3 * cell_pitch)
    plot2.basis    = 'xy'
    plot2.origin   = (0.0, 0.0, axial_section_height / 2.0)
    plot2.pixels   = (int(800 * cell_pitch), int(800 * cell_pitch))
    plot2.color_by = 'material'
    plot2.colors   = m_colors
    plot3          = openmc.Plot()
    plot3.filename = 'plot3'
    plot3.width    = plot2.width
    plot3.basis    = plot2.basis
    plot3.origin   = plot2.origin
    plot3.pixels   = plot2.pixels
    plot3.color_by = 'cell'
    model.plots = openmc.Plots([plot1, plot2, plot3])
    return model

model = unit_cell(50, 20, 45, False, False)
#mf.cross_sections = xs
import openmc.deplete

chain_file = 'chain_casl_pwr.xml'
op = openmc.deplete.CoupledOperator(model,chain_file=chain_file)
power = unit_cell_power  # watts
timesteps = [10.0, 10.0, 10.0]  # days
openmc.deplete.CECMIntegrator(op, timesteps, power, timestep_units='d').integrate()

This problem has been solved. I had an error in the input file and was importing a second set of materials (import materials as mats) and was adjusting the wrong material, which is why it did not show up in the xml.