Exporting HDF5 file

Dear OpenMC team,

I have installed openmc (version 0.12.1) by using ubuntu and start modeling with jupyter notebook.
I downloaded ENDF/B-VII.1 and export it on vim ~/.bashrc
But when I run the Criticality Search example, it shows an error saying [‘openmc’ returned non-zero exit status 255]
Additionally when I run openmc.run in the notebook, the output says <function openmc.executor.run(particles=None, threads=None, geometry_debug=False, restart_file=None, tracks=False, output=True, cwd=’.’, openmc_exec=‘openmc’, mpi_args=None, event_based=False)>

Can anyone help me to run the models

@Nebeyu, Did you try restarting jupyter-kernel?

I did but nothing changed
there is an error saying [IPKernelApp] ERROR | No such comm target registered: jupyter.widget.version

@Nebeyu If you can, try going to a terminal and running openmc directly to see what output you get. The criticality search function tries to call the openmc executable, and it appears to be failing for one reason or another. Running from the command line should give more information.

Regarding your second point, if you only type openmc.run at a prompt, that returns the run function itself. To actually call it, you need training parentheses: openmc.run()