Error: Could not find nuclide U-235.70c in cross_sections.xml file

I just run the tests provided in openMC. Now I find this problem as shown in the figure(“Error: Could not find nuclide U-235.70c in cross_sections.xml file”).
Is there anything wrong with the cross_section data? I use NNDC data. Should I reinstall NNDC?

Hi Xinyan,

The NNDC data does not provide U-235.70c; instead its numbering for temperature starts at .71c. It seems as if the test you are running is from a slightly older version of our code as on April 14 we merged in changes so that the tests used the NNDC data. So either update or change all instances of .70c to .71c and you will have fixed the problem.
Sorry about that!

Thanks! I will do that right away