depletion problem

Hi Shurabil,

  1. For a 2D problem, the unit of power can be given as [w/cm] and volume assigned in depletion material as [cm2] because of infinite axial length. For a 3D problem, the unit of power will be [w] and volume will be assigned in depletion material as [cm3].

Hints: fuel.volume = math.pi * radii[0] ** 2*height

  1. You have to provide either [Power] or [Power Density] in the depletion algorithm class. Power or Power density

  2. Prev_res. If you are using openmc-0.11, you will see the simulation start from scratch which is a bug and solved in develop branch.

Details of your 2nd question,

power = x [w/cm3] * volume

power = x[w/cm] * Area >> Your first question Why 1 cm?
Power = x[w/gHM] * operator.heavy_metal[g]