Depletion failure - better example

SphereTest.ipynb (45.7 KB)
I’ve attached an example Jupyter Notebook file that shows the warning during iteration 5 and failure on iteration 6 against a simple geometry of a sphere of thorium/U233.

I find it interesting that the failure occurs at that iteration regardless of the time step setting - whether time step be minutes, hours, or days.

I’ve mucked around with settings. used both CoupledOperator and Operator in the depletion model, and I am using the “simple” chainfile to see if I can get this working, but nothing appears to help. If anyone can validate this failure mode and perhaps provide some insight into how I can make this work, I will appreciate the help.
All the best,

Using the same attached file and changing Thorium to U238(20%) and U233 to U235(4%), it runs fine. Also, if I change the chain file to the more complete chain_casl_sfr.xml, then it seems to work (at least it goes further than six iterations). So the failure is related to using Thorium/U233 with chain_simple. I don’t understand why, but I guess I can avoid that.