DAGMC Universe Issue


I wanted to perform a simulation on a CAD geometry to compare the results with the geometries defined in OpenMC.

Therefore, I reproduced an identical geometry, by coding it in OpenMC on one hand and on the other hand using a CAD software.

Here are some images of my geometry, which is simple

The geometry has dimensions of 14 m by 14 m in length and width, with a height of 3.5 m. It is centered at the point (0,0,0).

I have attached to this request my Python code aiming to perform the simulation.

I get this kind of error message when I run the code, and I can’t fix the errors:

code_simulation.py (7.6 KB)
Could you help me as I’m having a hard time troubleshooting it?

Thank you in advance.

It seems that I can’t fransfer the H5M geometry file