Hello, I am now trying to create multiple cylindrical sources in the mode ‘fixed source’, those sources are are just different in coordinates x,y and the other settings are totatly same. And I met two problems:
Here are my code:
for n in range(17-m):
for i in range(5):
for j in range(9-i):
if i==0:
x.append((3 ** 0.5) * m * L2 / 2 + (j - (8 - i) / 2) * L1)
y.append((n - 8 + 0.5 * m) * L2 + (3 ** 0.5) * i * L1 / 2)
x.append((3 ** 0.5) * m * L2 / 2 + (j - (8 - i) / 2) * L1)
y.append((n - 8 + 0.5 * m) * L2 + (3 ** 0.5) * i * L1 / 2)
x.append((3 ** 0.5) * m * L2 / 2 + (j - (8 - i) / 2) * L1)
y.append((n - 8 + 0.5 * m) * L2 - (3 ** 0.5) * i * L1 / 2)
energy_bins = [1.00E-05, 0.625, 100, 1000, 5.00E+03, 10000, 50000, 1.00E+05, 200000, 300000, 4.00E+05,
500000, 600000, 700000, 800000, 900000, 1000000, 2000000, 3000000, 4000000, 5000000,
6000000, 7000000, 8000000, 9000000, 10000000, 20000000]
probability_density = [0.114804354, 0.130632628, 0.073037242, 0.056694686, 0.025809602, 0.06903753,
0.038666972, 0.051744062, 0.041062851, 0.034657177, 0.02416415, 0.027668522,
0.027214132, 0.025025168, 0.021317823, 0.015144402, 0.108801774, 0.059257734,
0.026894671, 0.014246912, 0.007213418, 0.003657553, 0.001703832, 0.00081529,
0.00038822, 0.000339297]
for i in range(len(x)):
source = openmc.Source()
source = openmc.stats.CylindricalIndependent(r, phi, z, origin=(x[i], y[i], 0.0))
source.angle = openmc.stats.Isotropic()
source.energy = openmc.stats.Tabular(energy_bins, probability_density)
# Indicate how many particles to run
settings = openmc.Settings()
settings.run_mode = 'fixed source'
settings.batches = 100
settings.inactive = 50
settings.particles = 1000
settings.temperature = {"method":"interpolation","range":(280+273.15,320+273.15),"multipole":True}
settings.source = sources
Firstly, i dont konw why it made an error as follow:
TypeError: Unable to set “source distributions” to <openmc.stats.multivariate.CylindricalIndependent object at 0x7f8e02374e80>" which is not of type:“SourceBase”
what should i modify my code?
Secondly, for the energy spectrum of my source, I have a series of continuous energy intervals and their probability density:
energy low [eV] | energy high [eV] | probability_density |
1.00E-05 | 0.625 | 0.114804354 |
0.625 | 100 | 0.130632628 |
100 | 1000 | 0.073037242 |
1.00E+03 | 5.00E+03 | 0.056694686 |
5000 | 10000 | 0.025809602 |
10000 | 50000 | 0.06903753 |
5.00E+04 | 1.00E+05 | 0.038666972 |
100000 | 200000 | 0.051744062 |
200000 | 300000 | 0.041062851 |
3.00E+05 | 4.00E+05 | 0.034657177 |
400000 | 500000 | 0.02416415 |
500000 | 600000 | 0.027668522 |
600000 | 700000 | 0.027214132 |
700000 | 800000 | 0.025025168 |
800000 | 900000 | 0.021317823 |
900000 | 1000000 | 0.015144402 |
1000000 | 2000000 | 0.108801774 |
2000000 | 3000000 | 0.059257734 |
3000000 | 4000000 | 0.026894671 |
4000000 | 5000000 | 0.014246912 |
5000000 | 6000000 | 0.007213418 |
6000000 | 7000000 | 0.003657553 |
7000000 | 8000000 | 0.001703832 |
8000000 | 9000000 | 0.00081529 |
9000000 | 10000000 | 0.00038822 |
10000000 | 20000000 | 0.000339297 |
I am not sure the setting ‘source.energy’ in my code is correct. If not, how can i do it?