Customized source with energy list


I want to use the customized source to model more complicated source geometries in combination with giving a list of energies and their intensities, as I describe here:

Is there a way to define this in the customized source, or is the customized source so far only capable of modeling particles with one specific energy, as in the example:

Or would I have to implement it somehow so that I also select a random value from an energy list and weight that somehow with the intensity?

Thanks a lot!


Hi @cp-f! Yes, you would have to implement the sampling of the energy/intensity within the custom source itself. However, note that there is a class in OpenMC that handles this, so it should be as simple as feeding the energies/intensities to that class and then calling sample(seed) on it:

Awesome, thanks a lot!

@ paulromano,hello!
I refer to this function, However, when the energy spectrum of the surface is counted, the count of each group of the energy spectrum is 0.

The input file for CustomSource is as follows:

#include <memory> // for unique_ptr
#include <cmath> // for M_PI
#include "openmc/source.h"
#include "openmc/particle.h"
#include "openmc/random_lcg.h"
#include "openmc/distribution_multi.h"

class CustomSource : public openmc::Source 
      CustomSource(double energy) : energy_{energy}
      explicit Discrete(pugi::xml_node node);
      Discrete(const double* x=[0,  1.000E-03,1.307E-02,2.115E-01,3.423E+00,2.914E+01,3.807E+02,2.112E+03,2.760E+04,1.896E+05,1.303E+06],
               const double* p=[0.1,0.1,      0.1,      0.1,      0.1,      0.1,      0.1,      0.1,      0.1,      0.1,      0        ], 
               int 10); 
      double sample(uint64_t* seed) const;       
  // Properties
      const vector<double>& x() const { return x_; }
      const vector<double>& p() const { return p_; }    
       vector<double> x_; //!< Possible outcomes
       vector<double> p_; //!< Probability of each outcome       
  //! Normalize distribution so that probabilities sum to unity
       void normalize();

// Samples from an instance of this class.
      openmc::SourceSite sample(uint64_t* seed) const
           openmc::SourceSite particle;
// weight
           particle.particle = openmc::ParticleType::neutron;
           particle.wgt = 1.0;
// position
           double r_min =1.0;
           double r_max =7.5;
           double radius_sq = r_min*r_min + openmc::prn(seed)*(r_max*r_max - r_min*r_min);
           double radius = std::sqrt(radius_sq);
           double angle = 2* M_PI * openmc::prn(seed);
           particle.r.x = radius * std::cos(angle);
           particle.r.y = radius * std::sin(angle);
           particle.r.z = 0.0;
// angle
           particle.u = {0, 0, 1};
           particle.E = this->energy_;
           //particle.E = 14.08;
           particle.delayed_group = 0;
           return particle;
extern "C" std::unique_ptr<CustomSource> openmc_create_source(std::string parameter) 
   double energy = std::stod(parameter);
   return std::make_unique<CustomSource>();

Excuse me, how can I modify it?
Thanks a lot!

@ paulromano,hello!
In addition, there are multiple concentric sources of this sample (custom sources) merged into a source, and what method to write?
Thanks a lot!

@ cp-f hello!
May I ask, have you solved this problem? If so, how did you solve it?