CalledProcessError: Command 'openmc -s 8' died with <Signals.SIGSEGV: 11>

Hello! OpenMC group ,
For my case, when the “” running for some time ,then thow the error like :

I want help , thank you a ton advance!

I get something new!
For the same case:
1 / By using openmc -version 0.12.2
the ERROR like :

2 / By using openmc -version 0.12.0
the ERROR like:

Q: why it throw different error within the versions? How to deal with it ?
Thank U !

The underlying error is likely the same in both cases. An update in version 0.12.2 changed the error message that is displayed to be a bit more readable (“OpenMC aborted unexpectedly”). If you’re able to share your model, I can try to diagnose what exactly is happening and why you’re getting a segfault.