AttributeError: 'StatePoint' object has no attribute 'read_results'

  I get this error when trying to use the 'openmc-statepoint-3d' script.

Hi Vladimir,

The openmc-statepoint-3d script unfortunately needs to be refactored to work with the current Python API. You can try using it with an older version of OpenMC, 0.7.0 or 0.6.2. The documentation that is online currently is for version 0.7.0. The StatePoint.read_results() method was removed in version 0.7.1. Sorry for the inconvenience!




Excellent question - the Python API is documented here on the website. Most of the links reference the fully-featured API documentation. The final section links to several "IPython Notebook which showcase some examples of the Python API in use to 1) generate XML inputs, 2) run OpenMC from within Python, and 3) most importantly, do lots of cool tally data processing.

If you do use the Python API to write your own scripts and/or IPython Notebooks, do consider submitting your code in a pull request since we may include it as an example for our other users! The Python API is relatively new feature for OpenMC and we still have much to do to create good examples of how users can make effective apply it to their problems.
