Hello so I’ve been working with the general data from ENDF that is provided but now I was asked to use specific files previously used for a serpent model. They gave me the ace files and so now I have a set of .ace files that look like this:
1001.03c 0.999167 2.5852E-08 05/04/18
kerma test (1-H-1 at 300 K) mat 125
0 0. 0 0. 0 0. 0 0.
0 0. 0 0. 0 0. 0 0.
0 0. 0 0. 0 0. 0 0.
0 0. 0 0. 0 0. 0 0.
8687 1001 590 3 0 1 1 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
1 0 2951 2954 2957 2960 2963 4739
4740 6154 6154 6154 6744 6745 6746 6754
6755 6755 6756 7439 0 7440 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 7441 7442 7443
1.00000000000E-11 1.03125000000E-11 1.06250000000E-11 1.09375000000E-11
1.12500000000E-11 1.15625000000E-11 1.18750000000E-11 1.21875000000E-11
1.25000000000E-11 1.28125000000E-11 1.31250000000E-11 1.34375000000E-11
1.37500000000E-11 1.43750000000E-11 1.50000000000E-11 1.56250000000E-11
1.62500000000E-11 1.68750000000E-11 1.75000000000E-11 1.81250000000E-11
1.87500000000E-11 1.93750000000E-11 2.00000000000E-11 2.09375000000E-11
2.18750000000E-11 2.28125000000E-11 2.37500000000E-11 2.46875000000E-11
2.56250000000E-11 2.65625000000E-11 2.75000000000E-11 2.84375000000E-11
2.93750000000E-11 3.03125000000E-11 3.12500000000E-11 3.21875000000E-11
3.31250000000E-11 3.40625000000E-11 3.50000000000E-11 3.59375000000E-11
3.68750000000E-11 3.78125000000E-11 3.87500000000E-11 3.96875000000E-11
… (bunch of number)
7.500000+5 1.859923+6 8.000000+5 1.913858+6 8.500000+5 1.971821+6 125 3301 1014
9.000000+5 2.022566+6 9.500000+5 2.076655+6 1.000000+6 2.124647+6 125 3301 1015
1.200000+6 2.312277+6 1.400000+6 2.481682+6 1.600000+6 2.636022+6 125 3301 1016
1.800000+6 2.777515+6 2.000000+6 2.907831+6 2.200000+6 3.028274+6 125 3301 1017
2.400000+6 3.139948+6 2.600000+6 3.243735+6 2.800000+6 3.340402+6 125 3301 1018
3.000000+6 3.430604+6 3.200000+6 3.514917+6 3.400000+6 3.593845+6 125 3301 1019
3.600000+6 3.667834+6 3.800000+6 3.737277+6 4.000000+6 3.802533+6 125 3301 1020
4.200000+6 3.863917+6 4.400000+6 3.921718+6 4.600000+6 3.976194+6 125 3301 1021
4.800000+6 4.027578+6 5.000000+6 4.076085+6 5.500000+6 4.186007+6 125 3301 1022
6.000000+6 4.281734+6 6.500000+6 4.365380+6 7.000000+6 4.438670+6 125 3301 1023
7.500000+6 4.503021+6 8.000000+6 4.559618+6 8.500000+6 4.609443+6 125 3301 1024
9.000000+6 4.653333+6 9.500000+6 4.691990+6 1.000000+7 4.726022+6 125 3301 1025
1.050000+7 4.755942+6 1.100000+7 4.782197+6 1.150000+7 4.805171+6 125 3301 1026
1.200000+7 4.825199+6 1.250000+7 4.842573+6 1.300000+7 4.857550+6 125 3301 1027
1.350000+7 4.870354+6 1.400000+7 4.881183+6 1.450000+7 4.890213+6 125 3301 1028
1.500000+7 4.897600+6 1.550000+7 4.903482+6 1.600000+7 4.907982+6 125 3301 1029
1.650000+7 4.911211+6 1.700000+7 4.913267+6 1.750000+7 4.914240+6 125 3301 1030
1.800000+7 4.914208+6 1.850000+7 4.913246+6 1.900000+7 4.911416+6 125 3301 1031
1.950000+7 4.908778+6 2.000000+7 4.905386+6 125 3301 1032
And I need them in h5 format of course but when I try to:
neutron_data = openmc.data.IncidentNeutron.from_ace(imput_file)
I got errors about some numbers being defined as 1.00005+05 so I changed all numbers to the same format E+ or E- and now I get the error:
invalid literal for int() with base 10: '2.197531E+4'
so I cannot get my .h5 files. I don’t knwo if anyone could help me with this issue. Couldnt add the entire .ace file cause its too long but if needed please let me know and how to upload it.
Thanks in advance.