Thermal scattering data for Graphite doesn’t come with the official JEFF-3.3 library. You can change your library to ENDF-7.1 or ENDF-8 which you can download from official library.
Hi @Mashaba, if your graphite temperature is 294.0 K, for that temperature nuclear data doesn’t exist. In that case, you can add settings.temperature = {‘method’: ‘interpolation’} to your Settings to interpolate. More details here.
If you’re using temperature interpolation, you need data to be available at two temperatures that surround the actual temperature. In this case, your material is at 294 K but the lowest available temperature in the dataset is 296 K. I think your options are either to:
Change the temperature of the material to be slightly higher (296 or 297 K) which should have minimal impact on results, or
Don’t use temperature interpolation at all. The ‘nearest’ temperature method uses a tolerance of 10 K by default, so if the material is at 294 K it should work fine with the 296 K data.
Reading settings XML file…
Reading cross sections XML file…
Reading materials XML file…
Reading geometry XML file…
Reading U235 from /home/mashaba/Downloads/endfb80.tar(2)/endfb80_hdf5/U235.h5
Reading U238 from /home/mashaba/Downloads/endfb80.tar(2)/endfb80_hdf5/U238.h5
Reading C12 from /home/mashaba/Downloads/endfb80.tar(2)/endfb80_hdf5/C12.h5
Reading O16 from /home/mashaba/Downloads/endfb80.tar(2)/endfb80_hdf5/O16.h5
Reading C13 from /home/mashaba/Downloads/endfb80.tar(2)/endfb80_hdf5/C13.h5
Reading Si28 from /home/mashaba/Downloads/endfb80.tar(2)/endfb80_hdf5/Si28.h5
Reading Si29 from /home/mashaba/Downloads/endfb80.tar(2)/endfb80_hdf5/Si29.h5
Reading Si30 from /home/mashaba/Downloads/endfb80.tar(2)/endfb80_hdf5/Si30.h5
Reading He3 from /home/mashaba/Downloads/endfb80.tar(2)/endfb80_hdf5/He3.h5
Reading He4 from /home/mashaba/Downloads/endfb80.tar(2)/endfb80_hdf5/He4.h5
Reading c_Graphite from
Minimum neutron data temperature: 294.0 K
Maximum neutron data temperature: 294.0 K
Preparing distributed cell instances…
Writing summary.h5 file…
Maximum neutron transport energy: 20000000.0 eV for C13
Initializing source particles…
====================> K EIGENVALUE SIMULATION <====================
If you run openmc in geometry-debugging mode with fewer particles in the case of complex geometry where two surfaces are close to each other, you’ll see the number of checks quite low. In that case, you can adjust the source particle to get good coverage of each area of geometry.
Don’t worry, you’re fine now, you have simple geometry.