Using high temperature cross-sections in OpenMC

Hi Paul,

Apologies for replying so late.

When I point my cross section path to ‘/home/julien/openmc/data/
jeff-3.2-hdf5/cross_sections.xml’ OpenMC is unable to find the cross sections of the isotopes even if the hdf5 corresponding files actually exist. For example when I start a pretty simple run case with uranium dioxyde, when OpenMC reads the cross sections it can’t find the cross section for the first nuclide (and I modified the composition to see if the first nuclides was the problem but it appears that OpenMC can’t find the cross sections of any nuclides). The error message I have is:

Reading settings XML file... Reading geometry XML file... Reading cross sections XML file... Reading materials XML file...

Reading U235 from /home/julien/openmc/data/jeff-3.2-hdf5/U235.h5
ERROR: Nuclear data library does not contain cross sections for U235 at or near
294 K.

Now, I also tried to use the MCNP cross sections (I converted them in HDF5 using the script openmc-convert-mcnp71-data that I found on the develop branch on Github) and I have the exact same error. I also changed the temperature in Material to see if that would work with other temperature but that did not fix the error.

I would be very grateful if someone could help me fix this error, preferably for the MCNP data case since I am planning on using MCNP cross sections.

Thanks a lot.
