Normalization of 'damage-energy' score results

Dear Jon & Patrick,
Thanks for the suggestions. Both of them worked well. Moving forward i will need to estimate the rate of swelling in my component model influenced by the DPA and the irradiation temperature. Look here for a brief introduction of the work i am currently associated with. The heat loads derived from score ‘heating-local’ will be mapped to the FE quadrature points as irradiation temperature. The DPA as can be seen from the python code is a scalar variable. What i am interested to hear from you is that whether this DPA can be visualised as a discrete variable that depends on the spatial locations of the openmc model? If that makes any sense, i can then map these values on to the QP locations of the FE model. Let me know your suggestions on the valid usage of DPA that best decribes the swelling of my component.
Kind regards,